
TAMUctf 19|Holey Knapsack

#TAMUCTF19 https://ctftime.org/task/7712 My knapsack has a hole in it Cipher text: 11b90d6311b90ff90ce610c4123b10c40ce60dfa123610610ce60d450d000ce61061106110c4098515340d4512361534098509270e5d09850e58123610c9 Public key: {99, 1235, 865, 990…

TAMUctf 19|:)

#TAMUCTF19 https://ctftime.org/task/7711 XUBdTFdScw5XCVRGTglJXEpMSFpOQE5AVVxJBRpLT10aYBpIVwlbCVZATl1WTBpaTkBOQFVcSQdH from pwn import * import base64 text = base64.b64decode('XUBdTFdScw5XCVRGTglJXEpMSFpOQE5AVVxJBRpLT10aYBpIVwlbCVZATl1WTBpa…

TAMUctf 19|Mike's Marvelous Mystery Curves

#TAMUCTF19 https://ctftime.org/task/7746 Mike, the System Administrator, thought it would be a good idea to implement his own Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman key exchange using unnamed curves to use across the network. We managed to capture …