ACSC 2021 | Share the Flag



#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import random
import string

with open('flag.txt', 'rb') as f:
    FLAG =
assert FLAG.startswith(b'ACSC{')
assert FLAG.endswith(b'}')
assert len(SECRET) == 16

p = 251

def random_letters(n):
    return ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=n)).encode()

| Share the flag |

Welcome to our flag-sharing service.
We understand some of you couldn't resist sharing flags with others,
but it is STRICTLY PROHIBITED by the rules.
In order to satisfy your desire...
We made the official flag sharing service for you,
with a new algorithm inspired by Shamir Secret Sharing.


# You'll need at least `threshold` shares to unlock the flag
threshold = 32

# Admin holds `len(SECRET) + 1` shares.
nshares = threshold - (len(SECRET) + 1)

# Splitting the flag
padding = random_letters(threshold - len(SECRET))
coeff = list(SECRET + padding)

xs = bytes(random.sample(range(1, p), k=nshares))
ys = bytes(sum(c * pow(x, i, p) for i, c in enumerate(coeff)) % p for x in xs)
print(f'X: {xs.hex()}')
print(f'Y: {ys.hex()}')

ランダムな配列  xs = {x_i } \leftarrow\$ \left\lbrack 1, p \right \rbrack ys = \left{ \sum k_i x_i^i  \mod p \right}

から k_iを求める問題


わからないので をみて