BCACTF 2.0 | Rsatrix 3


import binascii

p = 2118785735523620955301512231868734231925640292462405499978976981762557161416662496081983014179663
q = 1243737700428927574598968208586995066861594665591025213691894901887737529628559457923362470874703
n = p * q
e = 3
N = 31

R = Zmod(n)
MS = MatrixSpace(R, N, N)
s = PermutationGroupElement('(1,8,18)(2,24,14,22,25,6,9,13,31,15,21)(3,16,27,26,12,10,7,5,20,23)(4,29,28,11,19,17,30)')
P = MS(s.matrix())
with seed(1): C = MS([randrange(100) for i in range(N*N)])
G = C * P * C^-1

def encrypt(m):
    M = m * G
    return (M^e).list()

with open("flag.txt", "r") as f:
    flag = f.read().strip().encode("ascii")
m = int(binascii.hexlify(flag), 16)

mats = {"I": MS.identity_matrix(), "G": G, "E": MS(encrypt(m))}

Welcome to the RSAtrix demo calculator! 
Here, you can define matrix variables in terms of sums, products, or powers of matrices.
You can also multiply a matrix by a constant.
There's only one catch: you can only receive the trace of the resulting matrices!

while True:
    print("Would you like to print the traces of your stored matrices (P), add two matrices (A), \nmultiply two matrices (M), multiply a matrix by a constant (C), take a matrix power (X), or quit (Q)?")
        l = input(">>> ").strip().upper()
        if (len(l) > 1):
            print("You inputted more than one character...")
        elif (l == "Q"):
            print("We hope you enjoyed!")
        elif (l == "P"):
            print("Here the traces of your matrices:")
            for k in mats:
                print(k + ": " + str(mats[k].trace())  )
        elif (l == "A"):
            print("What is the name of the first matrix you would like to add?")
            A = input(">>> ").strip()
            print("What is the name of the second matrix you would like to add?")
            B = input(">>> ").strip()
            C = mats[A]+mats[B]
            print("The trace of their sum is: " + str(C.trace()))
            print("Would you like to save this matrix? (Y/N)")
            I = input(">>> ").strip().upper()
            if I == "N":
            print("What would you like the name of the matrix to be?")
            N = input(">>> ").strip()
            mats[N] = C
            print("Matrix saved.")
        elif (l == "M"):
            print("What is the name of the first matrix you would like to multiply?")
            A = input(">>> ").strip()
            print("What is the name of the second matrix you would like to multiply?")
            B = input(">>> ").strip()
            C = mats[A]*mats[B]
            print("The trace of their product is: " + str(C.trace()))
            print("Would you like to save this matrix? (Y/N)")
            I = input(">>> ").strip().upper()
            if I == "N":
            print("What would you like the name of the matrix to be?")
            N = input(">>> ").strip()
            mats[N] = C
            print("Matrix saved.")
        elif (l == "C"):
            print("What is the name of the matrix you would like to multiply?")
            A = input(">>> ").strip()
            print("What is the value of the constant you would like to multiply it by?")
            B = int(input(">>> ").strip())
            C = B * mats[A]
            print("The trace of the product is: " + str(C.trace()))
            print("Would you like to save this matrix? (Y/N)")
            I = input(">>> ").strip().upper()
            if I == "N":
            print("What would you like the name of the matrix to be?")
            N = input(">>> ").strip()
            mats[N] = C
            print("Matrix saved.")
        elif (l == "X"):
            print("What is the name of the matrix you would like to exponentiate?")
            A = input(">>> ").strip()
            print("What is the value of the exponent you would like to use?")
            B = int(input(">>> ").strip())
            C = mats[A]^B
            print("The trace of the matrix power is is: " + str(C.trace()))
            print("Would you like to save this matrix? (Y/N)")
            I = input(">>> ").strip().upper()
            if I == "N":
            print("What would you like the name of the matrix to be?")
            N = input(">>> ").strip()
            mats[N] = C
            print("Matrix saved.")
        print("Your input caused an error.")

BCACTF 2.0 | Rsatrix 2 の続き。リモートに I, G = CPC^{-1}, E = (mG)^{e} があり、 行列の演算をしたあと traceが得られる

 EG^{-e} = m^e(CP^eC^{-1})(CP^{-e}C^{-1}) = m^e I より、 tr(EG^{-e}) = N \cdot m^e

