BSides Noida CTF | damn boi


#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, isPrime, getPrime, getRandomRange, GCD
from random import shuffle
from math import lcm, prod
from topsecrets import FLAG, FLAG_parts
from gmpy2 import next_prime

BITS = 512
FLAGINT = bytes_to_long(FLAG.encode())

assert FLAGINT == prod(FLAG_parts)

def pm(n):
    r = 1
    a = 2
    for i in range(n):
        r *= a
        a = next_prime(a)
    return r

def primegen(bits):
    e = 65537
    M = pm(40)

    while True:
        a = getPrime(128)
        b = getPrime(128)
        p = pow(e, a, M)
        q = pow(e, b, M)

        if isPrime(p) and isPrime(q):
            return int(p), int(q)

def keygen(bits, s):
    p,q = primegen(bits)
    n = p*q
    N = n**(s+1)
    d = lcm(p-1, q-1)
    x = getRandomRange(2, n-1)
    j = getRandomRange(2, n-1)
    while GCD(j, n) != 1:
        j = getRandomRange(2, n-1)
    g = pow(n+1, j, N)*x % N
    pub = (n,g,s)
    priv = (n,d)
    return pub, priv

def encrypt(m, pub):
    n, g, s = pub
    N = n**(s+1)
    r = getRandomRange(2, n-1)
    c = pow(g, m, N) * pow(r, n**s, N) % N
    return c

def encryptor(m, pub):
    n, g, s = pub
    N = n**(s+1)
    noise = [getRandomRange(2, N-1) for _ in range(len(FLAG_parts))]
    enc = []
    for f, r in zip(FLAG_parts, noise):
        c = encrypt(f*r, pub)
    return enc, noise

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pub, priv = keygen(BITS, 2)
    enc, noise = encryptor(FLAGINT, pub)

    with open('priv.txt', 'w') as out:
        out.write(f"{priv = }\n\n")

    with open('out.txt', 'w') as out:
        out.write(f"{pub = }\n\n")
        out.write(f"{enc = }\n\n")
        out.write(f"{noise = }")
