PragyanCTF 2019|Decode this


Ram has something to show you, which can be of great help. It definitely contains the piece of text "pctf" and whatever follows it is the flag. Can you figure out what it is?

Note: Enclose it in pctf{}


import random

file = open("secret.txt","r")
secret =

flag = ""
for i in secret:
    if i.isalpha():
        flag += i
l = len(flag)

key = [[int(random.random()*10000) for e in range(2)] for e in range(2)]

i = 0
ciphertext = ""

while i <= (l-2):
    x = ord(flag[i]) - 97
    y = ord(flag[i+1]) - 97
    z = (x*key[0][0] + y*key[0][1])%26 + 97
    w = (x*key[1][0] + y*key[1][1])%26 + 97
    ciphertext = ciphertext + chr(z) + chr(w)
    i = i+2

cipherfile = open('ciphertext.txt','w')

やっていることは a, b, c, d <= 10000 を作って、  C_1 = (M_1a + M_2b) \mod 26, C_2 = (M_1c + M_2d) \mod 26を計算しているだけ。問題文によってpctfという文字列が含まれていることがわかっている + mod 26をとっていているので鍵の範囲はせいぜい0, 26程度だろうという推測から鍵を全探索して"pctf"を暗号化している部分を生成し、もし4バイトがマッチしたらその鍵を試してみる、という戦略が成り立つ。


from itertools import product
import string

strs = [chr(ci) for ci in range(0x20, 0x7F)]
table = {}

for k1, k2, k3, k4 in product(range(27), range(27), range(27), range(27)):
    x = ord("p") - 97
    y = ord("c") - 97
    z = (x * k1 + y * k2) % 26 + 97
    w = (x * k3 + y * k4) % 26 + 97

    x = ord("t") - 97
    y = ord("f") - 97
    z2 = (x * k1 + y * k2) % 26 + 97
    w2 = (x * k3 + y * k4) % 26 + 97

    table[(z, w, z2, w2)] = (k1, k2, k3, k4)

ciphertext = open("ciphertext.txt").read().strip()

for i in range(len(ciphertext) - 4):
    a = ord(ciphertext[i])
    b = ord(ciphertext[i + 1])
    c = ord(ciphertext[i + 2])
    d = ord(ciphertext[i + 3])

    key = (a, b, c, d)

    if key in table:
        key = table[key]
        print("the key is {}".format(key))

        table2 = {}
        for c1, c2 in product(string.ascii_lowercase, string.ascii_lowercase):
            x = ord(c1) - 97
            y = ord(c2) - 97
            z = (x * key[0] + y * key[1]) % 26 + 97
            w = (x * key[2] + y * key[3]) % 26 + 97

            table2[(z, w)] = (c1, c2)

            plaintext = ""
            for i in range(len(ciphertext) // 2):
                z = ord(ciphertext[i * 2])
                w = ord(ciphertext[i * 2 + 1])

                c1, c2 = table2[(z, w)]
                plaintext += c1 + c2
        except KeyError:

かなり雑なスクリプトなのでかなり雑に候補が出てくる。grep --color=auto pctf みたいなのを噛ましてあげて読めそうなのを探すと ramhasalittlesecretforyourighthereitispctfilikeclimbinghillswhataboutyou が見つかる