SECCON CTF 2022 Quals | insufficient



from random import randint
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long
from secret import FLAG

# f(x,y,z) = a1*x + a2*x^2 + a3*x^3
#          + b1*y + b2*y^2 + b3*y^3
#          + c*z + s mod p
def calc_f(coeffs, x, y, z, p):
    ret = 0
    ret += x * coeffs[0] + pow(x, 2, p) * coeffs[1] + pow(x, 3, p)*coeffs[2]
    ret += y * coeffs[3] + pow(y, 2, p) * coeffs[4] + pow(y, 3, p)*coeffs[5]
    ret += z * coeffs[6]
    ret += coeffs[7]

    return ret % p

p = getPrime(512)

# [a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c, s]
coeffs = [randint(0, 2**128) for _ in range(8)]

key = 0
for coeff in coeffs:
    key <<= 128
    key ^= coeff

cipher_text = bytes_to_long(FLAG) ^ key

shares = []
for _ in range(4):
    x = randint(0, p)
    y = randint(0, p)
    z = randint(0, 2**128)

    w = calc_f(coeffs, x, y, z, p)
    packed_share = ((x,y), w)



from sage.all import * 
from Crypto.Util.number import *

from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice

def Babai_CVP(mat, target):
    M = IntegerLattice(mat, lll_reduce=True).reduced_basis
    G = M.gram_schmidt()[0]
    diff = target
    for i in reversed(range(G.nrows())):
        diff -=  M[i] * ((diff * G[i]) / (G[i] * G[i])).round()
    return target - diff

def solve(mat, lb, ub, weight = None):
    num_var  = mat.nrows()
    num_ineq = mat.ncols()

    max_element = 0 
    for i in range(num_var):
        for j in range(num_ineq):
            max_element = max(max_element, abs(mat[i, j]))

    if weight == None:
        weight = num_ineq * max_element

    # sanity checker
    if len(lb) != num_ineq:
        print("Fail: len(lb) != num_ineq")

    if len(ub) != num_ineq:
        print("Fail: len(ub) != num_ineq")

    for i in range(num_ineq):
        if lb[i] > ub[i]:
            print("Fail: lb[i] > ub[i] at index", i)

        # heuristic for number of solutions
    DET = 0

    if num_var == num_ineq:
        DET = abs(mat.det())
        num_sol = 1
        for i in range(num_ineq):
            num_sol *= (ub[i] - lb[i])
        if DET == 0:
            print("Zero Determinant")
            num_sol //= DET
            # + 1 added in for the sake of not making it zero...
            print("Expected Number of Solutions : ", num_sol + 1)

    # scaling process begins
    max_diff = max([ub[i] - lb[i] for i in range(num_ineq)])
    applied_weights = []

    for i in range(num_ineq):
        ineq_weight = weight if lb[i] == ub[i] else max_diff // (ub[i] - lb[i])
        for j in range(num_var):
            mat[j, i] *= ineq_weight
        lb[i] *= ineq_weight
        ub[i] *= ineq_weight

    # Solve CVP
    target = vector([(lb[i] + ub[i]) // 2 for i in range(num_ineq)])
    result = Babai_CVP(mat, target)

    for i in range(num_ineq):
        if (lb[i] <= result[i] <= ub[i]) == False:
            print("Fail : inequality does not hold after solving")
        # recover x
    fin = None

    if DET != 0:
        mat = mat.transpose()
        fin = mat.solve_right(result)
    ## recover your result
    return result, applied_weights, fin

ctxt = 115139400156559163067983730101733651044517302092738415230761576068368627143021367186957088381449359016008152481518188727055259259438853550911696408473202582626669824350180493062986420292176306828782792330214492239993109523633165689080824380627230327245751549253757852668981573771168683865251547238022125676591

p = 8200291410122039687250292442109878676753589397818032770561720051299309477271228768886216860911120846659270343793701939593802424969673253182414886645533851

shares = [((6086926015098867242735222866983726204461220951103360009696454681019399690511733951569533187634005519163004817081362909518890288475814570715924211956186561, 180544606207615749673679003486920396349643373592065733048594170223181990080540522443341611038923128944258091068067227964575144365802736335177084131200721), 358596622670209028757821020375422468786000283337112662091012759053764980353656144756495576189654506534688021724133853284750462313294554223173599545023200), ((1386358358863317578119640490115732907593775890728347365516358215967843845703994105707232051642221482563536659365469364255206757315665759154598917141827974, 4056544903690651970564657683645824587566358589111269611317182863269566520886711060942678307985575546879523617067909465838713131842847785502375410189119098), 7987498083862441578197078091675653094495875014017487290616050579537158854070043336559221536943501617079375762641137734054184462590583526782938983347248670), ((656537687734778409273502324331707970697362050871244803755641285452940994603617400730910858122669191686993796208644537023001462145198921682454359699163851, 7168506530157948082373212337047037955782714850395068869680326068416218527056283262697351993204957096383236610668826321537260018440150283660410281255549702), 1047085825033120721880384312942308021912742666478829834943737959325181775143075576517355925753610902886229818331095595005460339857743811544053574078662507), ((5258797924027715460925283932681628978641108698338452367217155856384763787158334845391544834908979711067046042420593321638221507208614929195171831766268954, 4425317882205634741873988391516678208287005927456949928854593454650522868601946818897817646576217811686765487183061848994765729348913592238613989095356071), 866086803634294445156445022661535120113351818468169243952864826652249446764789342099913962106165135623940932785868082548653702309009757035399759882130676)]

assert isPrime(p) # p = 512 bit

M = Matrix(ZZ, 11, 11)
lb = [0] * 11
ub = [0] * 11

for i in range(4):
    M[0, i] = shares[i][0][0]
    M[1, i] = (shares[i][0][0] ** 2) % p
    M[2, i] = (shares[i][0][0] ** 3) % p 
    M[3, i] = shares[i][0][1]
    M[4, i] = (shares[i][0][1] ** 2) % p
    M[5, i] = (shares[i][0][1] ** 3) % p 
    M[6, i] = 1
    M[7 + i, i] = p
    lb[i] = shares[i][1] - (1 << 256)
    ub[i] = shares[i][1]

M[0, 4] = 1
M[1, 5] = 1
M[2, 6] = 1
M[3, 7] = 1
M[4, 8] = 1
M[5, 9] = 1
M[6, 10] = 1

for i in range(4, 11):
    lb[i] = 0
    ub[i] = 1 << 128

result, applied_weights, fin = solve(M, lb, ub)

coeffs = [0] * 8

for i in range(6):
    coeffs[i] = int(fin[i])

new_share = [0] * 4

for i in range(4):
    new_share[i] = shares[i][1]
    for j in range(3):
        new_share[i] -= coeffs[j] * (shares[i][0][0] ** (j + 1))
        new_share[i] -= coeffs[j + 3] * (shares[i][0][1] ** (j + 1))
    new_share[i] %= p
    new_share[i] = int(new_share[i])

# c * z[i] + s = new_share[i]
c = 0
for i in range(3):
    diff = new_share[i] - new_share[i + 1]
    c = GCD(c, diff)

coeffs[6] = c

coeffs[7] = new_share[0] % c

key = 0
for coeff in coeffs:
    key <<= 128
    key ^= coeff

flag = ctxt ^ key 
