Sekai CTF 2022 | diffecient


import math
import random
import re
import mmh3

def randbytes(n): return bytes ([random.randint(0,255) for i in range(n)])

class BloomFilter:
    def __init__(self, m, k, hash_func=mmh3.hash):
        self.__m = m
        self.__k = k
        self.__i = 0
        self.__digests = set()
        self.hash = hash_func

    def security(self):
        false_positive = pow(
            1 - pow(math.e, -self.__k * self.__i / self.__m), self.__k)
            return int(1 / false_positive).bit_length()
        except (ZeroDivisionError, OverflowError):
            return float('inf')

    def _add(self, item):
        self.__i += 1
        for i in range(self.__k):
            self.__digests.add(self.hash(item, i) % self.__m)

    def check(self, item):
        return all(self.hash(item, i) % self.__m in self.__digests
                   for i in range(self.__k))

    def num_passwords(self):
        return self.__i

    def memory_consumption(self):
        return 4*len(self.__digests)

class PasswordDB(BloomFilter):
    def __init__(self, m, k, security, hash_func=mmh3.hash):
        super().__init__(m, k, hash_func)
        self.addition_quota = 1
        self.added_keys = set()

    def add_keys(self, thresh_security):
        while > thresh_security:
        print("Added {} security keys to DB".format(self.num_passwords()))
        print("Original size of keys {} KB vs {} KB in DB".format(
            self.num_passwords()//4, self.memory_consumption()//1024))

    def check_admin(self, key):
        if not re.match(b".{32,}", key):
            print("Admin key should be atleast 32 characters long")
            return False
        if not re.match(b"(?=.*[a-z])", key):
            print("Admin key should contain atleast 1 lowercase character")
            return False
        if not re.match(b"(?=.*[A-Z])", key):
            print("Admin key should contain atleast 1 uppercase character")
            return False
        if not re.match(br"(?=.*\d)", key):
            print("Admin key should contain atleast 1 digit character")
            return False
        if not re.match(br"(?=.*\W)", key):
            print("Admin key should contain atleast 1 special character")
            return False
        if key in self.added_keys:
            print("Admin account restricted for free tier")
            return False
        return self.check(key)

    def query_db(self, key):
        if self.check(key):
            print("Key present in DB")
            print("Key not present in DB")

    def add_sample(self, key):
        if self.addition_quota > 0:
            self.addition_quota -= 1
            print("key added successfully to DB")
            print("API quota exceeded")

BANNER = r"""
 ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ___  ____  ____  _  _  ____
(  _ \(_  _)( ___)( ___)( ___)/ __)(_  _)( ___)( \( )(_  _)
 )(_) )_)(_  )__)  )__)  )__)( (__  _)(_  )__)  )  (   )(
(____/(____)(__)  (__)  (____)\___)(____)(____)(_)\_) (__)

Welcome to diffecient security key database API for securely
and efficiently saving tonnes of long security keys!
Feel FREE to query your security keys and pay a little to
add your own security keys to our state of the art DB!
We trust our product so much that we even save our own keys here
PASSWORD_DB = PasswordDB(2**32 - 5, 47, 768, mmh3.hash)
while True:
        option = int(input("Enter API option:\n"))
        if option == 1:
            key = bytes.fromhex(input("Enter key in hex\n"))
        elif option == 2:
            key = bytes.fromhex(input("Enter key in hex\n"))
        elif option == 3:
            key = bytes.fromhex(input("Enter key in hex\n"))
            if PASSWORD_DB.check_admin(key):
                from flag import flag
                print("No Admin no flag")
        elif option == 4:
        print("Something wrong happened")