zer0pts CTF 2021 | janken vs yoshiking


import random
import signal
from flag import flag
from Crypto.Util.number import getStrongPrime, inverse

    1: "Rock",
    2: "Scissors",
    3: "Paper"

def commit(m, key):
    (g, p), (x, _) = key
    r = random.randint(2, p-1)
    c1 = pow(g, r, p)
    c2 = m * pow(g, r*x, p) % p
    return (c1, c2)

def decrypt(c, key):
    c1, c2 = c
    _, (x, p)= key

    m = c2 * inverse(pow(c1, x, p), p) % p
    return m

def keygen(size):
    p = getStrongPrime(size)
    g = random.randint(2, p-1)
    x = random.randint(2, p-1)

    return (g, p), (x, p)

key = keygen(1024)
(g, p), _ = key
print("[yoshiking]: Hello! Let's play Janken(RPS)")
print("[yoshiking]: Here is g: {}, and p: {}".format(g, p))

round = 0
wins = 0
while True:
    round += 1
    print("[system]: ROUND {}".format(round))

    yoshiking_hand = random.randint(1, 3)
    c = commit(yoshiking_hand, key)
    print("[yoshiking]: my commitment is={}".format(c))

    hand = input("[system]: your hand(1-3): ")
        hand = int(hand)
        if not (1 <= hand <= 3):
            raise ValueError()
    except ValueError:
        print("[yoshiking]: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no! :(")

    yoshiking_hand = decrypt(c, key)
    print("[yoshiking]: My hand is ... {}".format(HANDNAMES[yoshiking_hand]))
    print("[yoshiking]: Your hand is ... {}".format(HANDNAMES[hand]))
    result = (yoshiking_hand - hand + 3) % 3
    if result == 0:
        print("[yoshiking]: Draw, draw, draw!!!")
    elif result == 1:
        print("[yoshiking]: Yo! You win!!! Ho!")
        wins += 1
        print("[system]: wins: {}".format(wins))

        if wins >= 100:
    elif result == 2:
        print("[yoshiking]: Ahahahaha! I'm the winnnnnnner!!!!")
        print("[yoshiking]: You, good loser!")
        print("[system]: you can check that yoshiking doesn't cheat")
        print("[system]: here's the private key: {}".format(key[1][0]))

print("[yoshiking]: Wow! You are the king of roshambo!")
print("[yoshiking]: suge- flag ageru")

ElGamal暗号で手 m \in \lbrack 1,2,3 \rbrackを暗号化して渡してくれるので、負けない手を返せば良い。quadratic residueを使うと楽で、 gが平方剰余なら g^{rx}も平方剰余になる。一方 mg^{rx} mQRのときQRになり、 mがQNRならQNRになる。

 mは3種類しかなく、 1は必ずQRなので、 2, 3がそれぞれQRとNQRまたはNQRとQRにバランス良く振り分けられるような pを引き当てると、 C_2 = mg^{rx}のquadratic residuosityから必ず勝てる、または負けない手を出すことができる。

import random
import signal
from flag import flag
from Crypto.Util.number import getStrongPrime, inverse

    1: "Rock",
    2: "Scissors",
    3: "Paper"

def commit(m, key):
    (g, p), (x, _) = key
    r = random.randint(2, p-1)
    c1 = pow(g, r, p)
    c2 = m * pow(g, r*x, p) % p
    return (c1, c2)

def decrypt(c, key):
    c1, c2 = c
    _, (x, p)= key

    m = c2 * inverse(pow(c1, x, p), p) % p
    return m

def keygen(size):
    p = getStrongPrime(size)
    g = random.randint(2, p-1)
    x = random.randint(2, p-1)

    return (g, p), (x, p)

key = keygen(1024)
(g, p), _ = key
print("[yoshiking]: Hello! Let's play Janken(RPS)")
print("[yoshiking]: Here is g: {}, and p: {}".format(g, p))

round = 0
wins = 0
while True:
    round += 1
    print("[system]: ROUND {}".format(round))

    yoshiking_hand = random.randint(1, 3)
    c = commit(yoshiking_hand, key)
    print("[yoshiking]: my commitment is={}".format(c))

    hand = input("[system]: your hand(1-3): ")
        hand = int(hand)
        if not (1 <= hand <= 3):
            raise ValueError()
    except ValueError:
        print("[yoshiking]: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no! :(")

    yoshiking_hand = decrypt(c, key)
    print("[yoshiking]: My hand is ... {}".format(HANDNAMES[yoshiking_hand]))
    print("[yoshiking]: Your hand is ... {}".format(HANDNAMES[hand]))
    result = (yoshiking_hand - hand + 3) % 3
    if result == 0:
        print("[yoshiking]: Draw, draw, draw!!!")
    elif result == 1:
        print("[yoshiking]: Yo! You win!!! Ho!")
        wins += 1
        print("[system]: wins: {}".format(wins))

        if wins >= 100:
    elif result == 2:
        print("[yoshiking]: Ahahahaha! I'm the winnnnnnner!!!!")
        print("[yoshiking]: You, good loser!")
        print("[system]: you can check that yoshiking doesn't cheat")
        print("[system]: here's the private key: {}".format(key[1][0]))

print("[yoshiking]: Wow! You are the king of roshambo!")
print("[yoshiking]: suge- flag ageru")

ところで、getStrongPrimeはsafe primeを返すわけではないので、非想定解が生じる。

 \mathbb{F}_pの位数 p-1がいくつかの小さい素因数を持つ時、特に例えば4を素因数に持つ時、 f(x) = x^{(p-1)/4}を考えると、位数4のかなり小さい群を作ることができる。

 t = (p-1)/4とおいて、  c_1^{xt} \equiv c_2^t \mod pを満たす xを探索することはいまや容易いので、簡単に解ける