MidnightSun Finals 2021 | tabula rsa



RSA m, cがもらえるオラクルがある。 mは32bitポインタの範囲内。

目的は nを求めること。


hpmv — Today at 7:03 PM

Didn't even open some challenges

Tabula was the best though, my favorite here haha

მისზა — Today at 7:04 PM

any hint?

hpmv — Today at 7:04 PM

First own to leak the stack address, then you get message + sig pairs

მისზა — Today at 7:04 PM

I mean, there's some stack address a, and we can know a, we can know ak (mod m)

hpmv — Today at 7:05 PM

Then apparently use LLL to find two sets of these that multiply to the same number

hgarrereyn — Today at 7:05 PM


hpmv — Today at 7:05 PM

And once you have that, subtract the corresponding products of the signatures and that would be a multiple of N